Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In my search of Happiness

What make your life valuable? Is it the dress that you wore, the food that you eat, the house that you life, the parent that you have, the spouse that you can hold, the education that you take, the money in your pocket, the book that you read, or what?

What make your life valuable? I feel prettier when I am wearing a good dress. I feel delight eating delicious food. I feel comfortable living in a cozy house. I feel grateful having good parents that never questions me and order me what to do. I feel thankful having brother and sisters that support me when I’m down. I feel happy having friends that can accompany me. Even thought I don’t have any spouse right now, I know that I will feel cheerful to have person that I can share all my laughs and cries. I feel proud having a good education. I feel secure having money in my pocket. I feel excited reading my books and watching my movies.

So, what make my life valuable?? Is it all those things above? I don’t think so. I think what make my life valuable is when I can do small good things every day. It is so clichéd. I know that. But right now, that is what I feel :D. So, lets make small good things everyday.


Anonymous said...

linda cintakuuuuu...g add yah blog loe...duh liat gambar profil loe itu....masa2 gila di CL...ahhh i miss those moments...i miss you my love!!! hahahaha....

Lindawati said...

ih... serem... make cintaku segala.. kacau2

ϣ-- H -- ϣ said...

San... dikau kelamaan di belanda yak?
uda siap2 register ama linda?