Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Menado Trip
Last May I join Sahabat Museum to go to Menado-Tomohok-Tondano.
Its quite intresting trips with people that I never know before.
Here is several pictures from that journey


Under The Sea - Taken by One of Tour Participant

"Dasar laut"

Bunaken - on Bridge to Santika Hotel

Cute Little animal - Tarsius something

Teluk Lambe -- If I'm not mistaken

Tuo Mao Mao Restaurant

Bukit Kasih

Bukit Kasih - Huge Cross

Morning Glory


RB said...

Mana foto terbaru?
SMU.. :D

Notaris Indonesia&PPAT,Akta Notaris Thomas Wio SH said...

wow,nice pictures.dah kemana aja? "memaknai hidup dengan mengagumi panorana alam adalah bagian dari doa dan syukur kita terhadap YMK dan semua maha karyanya."