Thursday, February 12, 2009

---- Old Memory ...... in February .................

February again. Then, it is almost 5 years ago, when I made my decision. My decision about him. It was kind of ridiculous decision, I made it because of anger and childish and my ego. I try not to regret my decision. But I had regretted it. About 3 years ago, I regret my decision and asked him to be with me again. But sadly he rejected it, because he already found someone else. Now, I don’t think that I regret it. Anything that happen in the past is stay in the past.

When I think about it again, maybe he was never meant to be with me. He was really a controlling man, for me just like a control freak, while I like my freedom. He said I didn’t love him as he loved me. But just because I act different from what he expected, it didn’t mean that I didn’t love him right? Maybe I did love him. as big as he loved me. But I just never let him know or my self know because of my ego. Yeah… I was really egocentric at that time. Maybe I still am. I still don’t know. Still not sure. If I can turn back the time, the result would be the same. But may be less painful. And just because I was the one who break the relationship, it didn’t mean that I was not hurt too.

Well, just forget about it. It just some memory… memory in February. I will keep that in my heart and remember it in a short time in February. Just like a reflection of what I did ….. after that ... well.. just think and reflect for a while and then be me again … the cheerful me .. :D

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